Latest EU directives which regulate the traction energy metering and billing are: Commission Regulation (EU) No 1301/2014 of 18 November 2014 on the technical specifications for interoperability relating to the ‘energy’ subsystem of the rail system in the Union (link to EU portal) Commission Regulation…
Category: requirements
All about standards and regulations.
We would like to measure grid voltage. Can we get this from EMS?
We would like to measure grid voltage. Can we get this from EMS? Yes, according to 50463 (2017) part 4 also additional information which is not mandatory can be included in so called reading block. Reading block is not part of compiled energy billing data…
Which are main changes of EN50463?
EN50463 (2012) version of standard was modified to EN50463 (2017) with 1.1.2018. Which are main changes? There are most changes in part 4. In preface of EN norm it explains: EN50463-4 includes the following significant technical changes with respect to EN 50463-4:2012: general replacement of…
Content of standard EN50463
The EN50463 consists of 5 parts: EN 50463 = This norm describes the specific requirements for on-board Energy Measuring Systems (EMS). t has five parts: EN 50463-1 = Describes system level requirements, common device requirements EN 50643-2 = Describes singel function requirements of the Energy…
About energy metering with UIC posters
For more in depth understanding of energy billing please check the posters presented by UIC IRS 90930 working groups at Stakeholder Workshop Paris 7.11.2018. There are five topics covered: Getting Metering on a Traction Unit Energy Data Flow Train Run Data Settlement Masterdata IRS 90930…
Regulatory framework
Bart Van der Spiegel, Infrabel, gave presentation during IRS 90930 Stakeholder Workshop, Paris 06/11/2018, regarding regulatory framework of traction energy billing. IRS 90930 Stakeholder Workshop – Regulatory FrameworkDownload
Conformity assessment guidelines
Conformity assessment guidelines for the Netherlands are in development (as May 2019). Attached is the non-mandatory document produced by ERESS. The document should be considered just as a starting point in the process of understanding and sharing of knowledge acquired after the Conformity Assessment Workshop…
Deadline for EMS installation
Is there any deadline when all units should be equiped with EMS? New vehicles should have EMS installed. Other vehicles should have EMS installed at the next refurbishment, but for this no deadline is given.